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Dad's perspective:

Thanks for taking time to visit these little nuggets' site. When I stop to think I can't help but to beam with pride. I am super proud of these two little bugs and the efforts they've put in thus far. Please pardon the animations and funky design of the website.Our website administrator and builder is an 8 yr old and this is what he chose.This is what he likes, he has full creative control and is contantly changing, adding and moving stuff around. It's a little unorthdox, far from professional and maybe even all most scary, however, it's very important that he stays involved while expressing himself.


 So what exactly is WiseMonkey? WiseMonkey was a t-shirt line that we started for the kids, back when they were much younger. It was a great way to be different, creative and more importantly it was fun. Over the years we have kept the saying alive, "You are such a wise monkey". After listening to my kids come up with different things/ ideas of what I could do with OAD  and telling them it was not feasible;I came up with the idea of why don't you all run your own version of the company and we will support it 110%. Next thing I know they were up building a website and crafting and designing ads, Wise Money Lawn care was born. So we are going to run with it. We will work hard at it, We will do a great job! Serve the community, teach the kids how to work hard and enjoy the rewards of it. More importantly we will have fun loads of it, share our  family with whom ever is crazy enough to do buisness with us.. We will also give back to the community. Because kids are the most important things in the world, they are amazing, they are awesome, they make the world go round.  We are also going to return some of our proceeds back. Back to the schools that educate them, keep them safe and loved for us. 5% of every client's monthly bill will go back to support the PTA school of their choosing, or our kids' PTA school if non is selected. Additionally we will run different contests and competitions as often as we can to raise additional revenue for the school's PTA. We will also get silly doing it! #Dothemonkey,#monkeymow,#wisemonkeyon.



So, what is the monkey dance? The monkey dance is just a simple silly dance I did when the kids were younger. It has no rhyme or reason or pattern to it.  It was basically something to keep them distracted or preoccupied when they were upset. Back then it was cool and funny and exciting. As they have grown older it has become silly and embarrassing.Emabarrassing my kids is such a guilty pleasure. It warms my heart and tickles me pink and it makes me so happy words can't describe it. So, to embarrass them I do it as often as I can, in public, at home anywhere I can, I monkey dance.


As a parent I'm a goofball and I know their are other parents out there just like me. If you dare! get silly and show off your goofiness and share it with us. To reward you for your efforts we will donate an additional $10 up to once per month to the PTA of your choosing, because Kids are important! They take a lot of work and God bless those parents who volunteer day in and day out.






An additional 5% of our proceeds monthly will go to support the WiseMonkey project.The wisemonkey project is simple. It is our family's dream to adopt a family for Christmas and spoil them Wisemonkey style.We will set the goal high to raise $10,000, we may never hit it or even come close. However, we will try. Try as hard as we can and as silly as we can. We plan on being very open about this( full disclosure). We are going to create a crowd funding page where the money will be deposited on a monthly basis. This way you can follow us, cheer us on, root for us on and most importantly pray for us(often PLEASE). We do not know who that family is, where they are or what they need. Our prayer  is that we can bless a family in need over Christmas, a family that has a ton of children hopefully and is fighting to stay together despite the odds. This may be a dream and we have no clue how much or how far we can get with this. But we are going to try. We are going to try hard.If you believe in the power of prayer please say a prayer for us. If you do not , no worries, we will pray for you!


Finally! go get your get your Wisemonkey on and share us with your friends and family right here in Keller.


If you are going to already pay to have your lawn mowed. Might as well let a bunch of silly nuggets server you.


Who are we? Wisemonkey.


What are we? A Lawn mowing service owned by a bunch of kids and run by a bunch of adults.

About Us


Small Family Owned Lawn Service. With a mission to have a ton of fun and givde back as well.



- Lawn Mowing


-Weed Control




Dance With Us




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