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Wise Monkey Aearation Challange

Do you have what it takes to Monkey? Every month we  run a  different contest, just another way to have fun, To serve  our clients and pour right back into our local community at the same time.


March/April 2015.


Over the years while out with Dad aerating we've seen different ways people have marked their sprinkler heads. Some very creative, some not so much. IT"S TIME TO AERATE! So, this month we are running a sprinkler marking contest. We want you to get creative. Very creative. Let your imagination run wild, actually let your kids imaginations run wild cause well Kids Rule !!!!!.Some of the most creative things we have seen so far. A client once marked their sprinkler heads like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich(hungry yet!). We've had clients use easter eggs, mardi gras beads, the most creative was the guy who used different versions of screwdrivers which all had a story behind them. Now its your turn. Get creative with us. Come up with the most creative ways to mark your sprinkler heads and upload to social media and tag us at #Dothemonkey #Monkeymow and #Wisemonkeyon!


The client with the most likes will get a $50 gift card to one of our favorite restaurants. This month it is Del Friscos. WISE MONKEY rules state: with everything we do we give you the opportunity to earn money for your school's PTA. (It's one of the reasons we exist)cause well Kids Rule !!!!! This month shoot a video doing your version of our monkey dance while marking your sprinkler heads. Your sprinklers must be running. For each client video we will donate an additional $10 to your PTA of your choosing. Get wet, Get silly, Get wise monkey on!


About Us


Small Family Owned Lawn Service. With a mission to have a ton of fun and givde back as well.



- Lawn Mowing


-Weed Control




Dance With Us




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