We are a small and fun family owned lawn mowing and aerating service, based out of Keller, Texas with a very simple goal: Have fun, meet nice people, serve our clients and our community and give back often!
Wise Monkey Says!!!
"It is better to be Wise than it is to be Unwise, so be wise!"

We Provide:
Lawn mowing services. In most cases we are cheaper! We are better! and we have a whole lot more fun than your current BORING service.
We do a great Job!
We work hard!
We are Super easy to work with!
We have fun...Tons of it (At anytime you can stop and ask one of our lawn specialist to Stop and do the Monkey Dance! and they do)
We even share!
We are Wise Monkey
Get Your
WiseMonkey Lawn Care.
Is the fun and creative arm of our dad's company One Awesome Dad. Dad, thinks he knows best, but we know that we can do it better!Now it's our chance to show him a thing or 2 or 15 things we are sure he has no clue about. Our dad is awesome! He works hard, he's smart and stylish (kinda!), most importantly is he super fun. Wise monkey allows us all to express our fun side, our goofy side, get a little silly, and serve those we can. We give 5% back to the local PTA because Kids Rule !!!!! and another 5% goes to the Wise Monkey project (read More).Finally we run super crazy fun contests often, so you can share in the fun with us (Contests page).
Dad's perspective( The Old Man):
Thanks for taking time to visit these little bug's site. When I stop to think I can't help but to beam with pride. I am super proud of these two little bugs and the efforts they've put in thus far. Please pardon the animations and funky design of the website. Our website administrator and builder is an 8 yr old and this is what he chose.Read More